Monday, October 12, 2009

Hooray For Cousins!!!

October has been a special month..I have got to visit with 2 Cousins, each from a different side of the family..

I really enjoyed seeing them.

I see my cousin Tara more often than my Cousin Melissa, but I don't see them both enough..

it was so much fun Grandma and her sister, kept telling me and Tara were talking so fast how could we understand had lots to catch up on..thank Heaven for email and facebook..but it is always better in person..

my Cousin Melissa and I have not seen eachother since we were 12..I wont say how many decades that is..but we discovered we had a lot in common, she is really neat, she is from Canada, and I was busy asking her all about the differences.. we had a great time as well..

I am so thankful for family, even though some of us are scattered all over the place, it is nice to know you have family, and can have family matter what..

here are a few pics of the cousin crew..ignore my inability to take a good picture, I don't think I have taken one in my entire 32 years of well..

1 comment:

Cylee Pressley said...

That sounds and looks like you had a good time. I love seeing pictures of family.